The Women Behind it all

Holly Joffrion is the author of The Toothfairy Trooth. Being a mother of 3 daughters, she was all too familiar with the process of losing teeth. "I've always been a bit of a fanatic about nice teeth, and I wanted to create a tradition  with my children that encouraged taking care of their teeth in a fun way."

The story was inspired by her 7 year old daughter Arden, who is exceptionally creative, innovative, and has a fondness for collecting tiny things. She is also famous for being a little forgetful about important responsibilities like brushing her teeth. But it's usually because she is lost in her imagination, so who can blame her?

The story was initially told in 2015 when Arden asked her mom where the Toothfairy came from. Having a background in animation and already working in the creative field, Holly's answer was elaborate. Her imagination went to work catering a story that Arden could relate to.

Upon hearing the story, all 3 of Holly's children began adding ideas and possibilities to the story. The excitement among the 4 of them was so much, it was obvious the story should come to life.

"My children have and always will be my reason for living, working, and inspiring. I wanted to develop not only a story and tradition to share with them, but something we could work on together to inspire those around us. I am a huge advocate of homeschooling & unschooling. Developing this tradition with my children combined my top priorities of teaching, working, & inspiring... What more can you ask for?